Vitaliia Koibichuk



Purpose. The aim of the article is to conduct a bibliometric analysis to determine the role of cyber security in the system of economic security and to identify the leading scientific institutions and researchers who are engaged in this issue.

Methodology of research. The information sample of the study was obtained by a corresponding search query in the Scopus scientometric database, further analysis was carried out using the programming language R and R Studio, the Bibliometrix package and the Shiny and Bibliometrix libraries. At the first stage of the research, the Convert2df () function was used to download and convert the data, which made it possible to create a frame of bibliographic data. Then, at the second stage, the Summary () function was used to obtain general information about publications devoted to the research topic. At the third stage, using the term Extraction () function, key terms are determined from the text fields (theses, titles, author, keywords, etc.) of the bibliographic collection and a tripolar graph was formed, reflecting the relationship between the affiliations of the authors, keywords, and countries of research, and with the help of the bibliometric function H-index (), the top 10 sources of the publishing house were determined by the value of the Hirsch index. The fourth stage determines the total number of citations of journals in which scientists have published their research related to the role of cyber security in the system of economic security, using the citations () function, and the list of the most cited authors is formed using the dominance () function.

Findings. The conducted bibliometric analysis shows the high relevance of the research topic. Comparing the scientific productivity of different countries in the field of cyber security and determining its role in the system of economic security shows that the leaders are the USA, China, and India.  This is due to the large investment in scientific research, the developed IT industry, the high level of cyber threats in the US, the extremely rapid development of the digital economy and the state support for research in the field of cyber security in China, the large number of IT specialists and the English-speaking environment, which promotes international cooperation in India. It should also be noted that over the past five years there has been a tendency to expand the geography of research, which indicates a growing awareness of the importance of the role of cyber security in the system of economic security.

Originality. It is substantiated that a complex combination of bibliometric functions – Convert2df(), Summary (), term Extraction (), H-index (), citations (), dominance () of the Bibliometrix package, which, unlike the existing manual counting of the number of citations, the number of publications and the use of traditional metrics (country, year of publication, affiliation of the author), made it possible to conduct an automated bibliometric analysis of the role of cyber security in the system of economic security, using a wide range of metrics, and to identify leading scientific institutions and researchers engaged in this issue, and to gain knowledge about the structure of the scientific community.

Practical value. The practical significance of the research results has a place for state authorities, scientific community and society. For state authorities – to strengthen the integration of cyber security into the general strategy of economic development (the results show the importance of cyber security for economic development, however, there is no clear integration of cyber security into the general strategy of economic development of countries and organizations, which leads to the disparity of efforts and the reduction of the effectiveness of investments in cyber security). For the scientific community – for identify promising areas of research, optimization of research processes and collaboration and cooperation. For society – raising awareness of the role of cyber security in the system of economic security and strengthening the protection of personal data.

Key words: cyber security, economic security of the state, digital technologies, Internet of Things, bibliometric analysis.


cyber security, economic security of the state, digital technologies, Internet of Things, bibliometric analysis.

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