Tetiana Buchynska, Halyna Yurkevych



Purpose. The aim of the article is to study the content of business communications in companies in order to identify the main dependencies and key elements of the fu0nctioning of an effective system of communications in companies.

Methodology of research. General scientific and special methods were used in the course of the study, in particular: the analytical method was used in the review of literature sources; the classification method allowed to differentiate the main components of the impact of business communications in company management; the description method allowed to provide a detailed description of them; the monographic method was used in the study of literature sources on the issues of detailing the elements of business communication in company management; the system-analytical method was used in processing the received information.

Findings. The theoretical foundations for the development of business communications in company management are considered. It is established that business communications contribute to the effective management of knowledge and human resources, the rational use of the company’s potential, and the development of digital skills. The process of spreading active communications in the form of a dialogue between company executives and partners is substantiated. The necessity of building an effective system of business communications between the company and all partners is proved, which positively affects the strategy of sustainable development of companies and ensures sustainable corporate governance.

Originality. The substantiation of the key elements of an effective business communication system has been further developed. Communication barriers and ways to overcome them in companies were identified.

Practical value. The submitted authors’ proposals on the directions of development of business communication processes in company management can be used to improve the efficiency of their activities.

Key words: business communications, management, company, partners, procedures.


business communications, management, company, partners, procedures.

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