Vitalii Shuberanskyi



Purpose. The aim of the article is to present the author's vision of the problems of innovation theory and the innovation process in Ukraine in general, based on the experience and knowledge accumulated by economic science so far, and on this basis – a description of the factors and problems of innovation efficiency from new positions.

Methodology of research. The methodology and methods of the author's research were based on the postulates about the determining role of intra-organizational factors in ensuring the innovative development of a representative enterprise under the general approach, which is based on the postulate about the uniqueness of firms as a factor of potential market advantage. At the same time, organizational development planning should provide for innovations at the operational and strategic levels of activity.

The operational level of innovation refers to the present shortcomings of economic activity, which are eliminated in the current regime. Strategic innovations are a reflection of a fundamentally different philosophy of entrepreneurship, where the company from the very – conditionally – beginning of its operation is aimed at a separate model of development, in which innovations will decide everything or take the role of determinants.

Findings. A study of the interpretation and spread of the problems of the theory of innovation in the Ukrainian intellectual space – scientific publications and the business environment – was carried out. Attention is focused on the fact that problems of innovativeness of the domestic economy are traditionally considered to be priority ones, and such, despite their importance, continue to be the subject of discussions. A description of the implementation of the innovative development strategy is presented on the example of the Frendt enterprise, with a description of the theoretical foundations of such a model.

Originality. The author's methodology of the model of innovative development of the enterprise is substantiated, according to which its effectiveness depends to a large extent on the complex of intra-organizational factors as universal determinants of innovations. Such a complex is proposed to be considered as a three-tiered system consisting of groups of agents of critical influence on the company's strategy, a set of resources, corporate culture, and norms of behaviour. At the same time, each enterprise is a unique example of such a complex of factors. The regulator's experience in stimulating the innovative development of Ukraine's economy is critically assessed.

Practical value. The described algorithm for the implementation of the Frendt Company’s innovative development strategy is a possible typical scheme for enterprises in a related industry. At the same time, the context and logic of such changes can be implemented by any enterprise.

Key words: innovation, innovation theory, innovation model, internal organizational factors.


innovation, innovation theory, innovation model, internal organizational factors.

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