Tetiana Leonidivna Ivaniuk



Purpose. The aim of the article is revealing the essence of the concept “land relations” and researching the main features of the formation of this economic category.

Methodology of research. General scientific and special methods are used to achieve this goal: dialectical method of scientific cognition – to consider the essence of land relations; synthesis – to find out the relationships between the subjects of land relations; graphic – for visual display of the obtained results; abstract and logical method – for forming conclusions and suggestions of research.

Findings. The basic importance and role of land relations are revealed. Various approaches to determining their economic nature are discussed and a general scheme of land relations in Ukraine is described. It is proved that land ownership shapes the social and economic condition of the subjects of land relations. The rights and responsibilities of land users are discussed, as well as the basic requirements for land use purpose are determined.

Originality. Approaches to interpreting the concept of “land relations” are systematized and generalized. It is proposed to consider land relations as relations between the state, economic entities and a person arising in the possession, use, reproduction and protection of land as the main means of production. The own scheme of determination and formation of land relations is developed and basic elements that make up the essence of this concept are characterized, since the development of land relations consists in the effective implementation of land reform, which includes the orientation of the state policy on economically legal, ecologically safe and high-tech land use.

Practical value. The expediency of the study and development of land relations has been proved taking into account the basic elements, forms and subjects that are influenced by external and internal environments. The results of the survey can be used by agricultural enterprises in forming land relations in their activities.

Key words: land relations; property; contractual relations; land use; land easements.


Key words: land relations; property; contractual relations; land use; land easements.

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