Iryna Boіchyk, Svitlana Stakhurska



Purpose. The purpose of the article is to research into the issues of improving the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of managing industrial property objects as a component of intellectual property in the context of their role in shaping the intellectual potential of dairy processing enterprises.

Methodology of research. The following research methods were used to achieve the goal: analysis and synthesis, abstract and logical – for the formulation of theoretical generalizations, identification of the essence of the concept of the intellectual potential of the enterprise, its constituent reserves of raising its level at the enterprise; monographic and comparative – for the systematization of the elements of the social and economic component of managing the intellectual potential of enterprises, identifying the relationship between the intangible assets of the enterprise and the development of intellectual potential; graphic – for visualization of research results.

Findings. The existence of clear and hidden opportunities (reserves) for increasing the level of use of intellectual potential at each enterprise was identified and substantiated. The place and significance of industrial property objects in the process of evaluating the effectiveness of the intellectual property management of the enterprise, which together with other elements form the social and economic component of the management of its intellectual potential, are substantiated. The role of industrial property objects and the importance of improving the efficiency of their management in ensuring an increase in the level of use of the intellectual potential of milk processing enterprises have been established.

Due to the predominant financing of innovative developments of enterprises at the expense of their own funds, the need to take into account the economic efficiency of such developments for the enterprises themselves when evaluating the effectiveness of managing their intellectual potential is substantiated. The necessity of developing a system of indicators for evaluating the efficiency of management of industrial property objects was determined.

Originality. The method of evaluating the economic efficiency of managing industrial property objects as elements of forming the intellectual potential of milk processing enterprises has received further development.

Practical value. Based on the results of the research, the system of indicators for evaluating the efficiency of the management of industrial property objects can have practical use for determining the vectors of improving the management of the intellectual potential of milk processing enterprises.


management, intellectual potential, intellectual property, intangible assets, objects of industrial property, trademark, brand, certificate, patent

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37332/2309-1533.2023.2.6


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