Mykola Shulskyi



Purpose. The aim of the article is to explore the problems of exploitation and their solutions: an excursion into the past and a modern view in various manifestations and forms.

Methodology of research. Research on the chosen topic was carried out using various methods of detailed study of the main components of this topic. At the same time, preference was given to the following methods: historical (the phenomenon of exploitation is considered in historical retrospect), dialogic (processes of exploitation are studied from the standpoint of the formation of the author’s questions, and the answers are from the appropriate source), system and structural, abstract and logical (all structural components of the study are presented in certain logical and abstract sequence). All research processes were closely related from the standpoint of their dialectical development.

Findings. A study of the development of exploitation was carried out with an emphasis on the processes of the origin of this social and economic phenomenon in various spheres of mutual relations in human society. The importance and role of exploitation processes in various spheres of social relations and, at the same time, the insufficient volume and level of research into this phenomenon are emphasized. In the research processes, the main attention was focused on: clarifying the essence and phenomena of the development of exploitation and its interpretation in scientific publications; periods and conditions of exploitation in various production methods; combination of economic and non-economic forms of exploitation; the development of new forms of exploitation and their influence on views and statements regarding the development of the processes of this social and economic phenomenon.

Originality. On the basis of the obtained research data, specific conclusions and proposals regarding further steps in the study of the patterns of the development of new forms of exploitation in modern conditions have been formed.

Practical value. Proposals to expand the range of research on exploitation processes, focusing special attention on such an important component of this socio-economic phenomenon as self-exploitation, deserve attention. It is also necessary in modern conditions and for the future to provide for the study of the basics of exploitation in educational institutions of Ukraine. This is especially important when training managerial specialists.


exploitation, social relations, essence, forms of exploitation, methods of production, past, present, research

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