Purpose. The aim of the article is to consider the baseline and policy of reforming transformed economic models and determine the impact of reform policies on the development of the agrarian sector of transition economies.
Methodology of research. The following instrumental methods of scientific research are used to achieve this goal: dialectic ‒ to determine the baseline conditions and policy reforms of transformed economic models; analytical ‒ in the development of literary and Internet sources; causal-to determine the impact of reform policies on the development of the agrarian sector of countries with economies in transition; abstract and logical ‒ for the generalization of the above material and the formation of conclusions.
Findings. The initial conditions and policies of transformation of transformed economy models are considered. The influence of the reformation policy on the development of the agrarian sector of transition economies has been established. It is proved that the initial conditions affect the volumes of production of the agrarian sector mainly at the initial stage of transformation, and in the future, the reforming policy plays a more important role. It is emphasized that during the first five years of market transformations the dynamics of agricultural production is largely determined by the direct and indirect influence of the initial conditions on the effectiveness of the policy.
Originality. The scientific novelty consists in distinguishing according to the cyclical approach of groups of countries in terms of the growth rates of gross agricultural products, determined on the basis of the baseline conditions and the policy of reforming the transformed models of economies.
Practical value. The practical significance of the research results is that the main provisions of this study in the form of methodological recommendations can be used to monitor the impact of reform policies on the development of the agrarian sector of transition economies.
Key words: agrarian sector; economy; methodology; principles; reformation; transformation.Keywords
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