Tetyana Marchenko



Purpose. The aim of the article is study of the evolutionary nature of the theoretical heritage of J.A. Schumpeter, its influence on the features of the formation of scientific thought regarding the main elements of innovation in the process of economic development.

Methodology of research. To achieve this goal of the study, the following methods of scientific analysis were used: historical, systemic, structural-functional and comparative. The historical method made it possible to trace the leaks, genesis, main stages and features of the development of innovations, as well as to determine the prospects for the development of innovation activity in the third millennium. The system method allowed us to comprehensively consider innovations, identify essential elements and connections; structural-functional - to explain the parts and components of the innovation process; the comparative method reveals the features of the countries' innovative activity, its impact on the development of the information society.

Findings. It has been established that the creation by J. Schumpeter of the theory of a qualitatively new innovative type of development is an outstanding contribution that radically changed the traditional ideas about economic development and economic growth. Schumpeter's ideas about the internal stimulating role of innovation and technological progress served as a kind of starting point for the further formation of various theories of the transformation of the capitalist system, its transition to a higher stage of development (industrial and post-industrial society). It is substantiated that in the modern world innovations are becoming a determining factor in the dynamic development, transformation and competitiveness of socio-economic systems throughout the world.

Originality. The main approaches to the concept of innovation are summarized and their influence on the emergence of the term "new economy" is established, one of the main attributes of which is knowledge as a factor of production and wealth generation. The importance of Schumpeter's works at the present stage of reforming economic science after the global crisis is established, since, according to Schumpeter's theory, innovation is accompanied by the creative destruction of the economic system, causing its transition from one state to another.

Practical value. Theoretical provisions, conclusions and recommendations are important for the scientific substantiation of the need for innovative activities, as well as the possibility of applying these results in the educational process.

Key words: global information society, innovation, innovative activity, information and communication technologies, "knowledge-based economy", creative destruction.


global information society, innovation, innovative activity, information and communication technologies, "knowledge-based economy", creative destruction.

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