Yaroslav Susharnyk, Alla Misko



Purpose. The aim of the article is the analysis and generalization of scientists' views on the interpretation of the concepts of “competition”, “competitiveness” based on their historical genesis and the formation of relevant concepts.

Methodology of research. The basis of the study was the scientific experience of researchers-economists. The following methods are used to achieve this goal, in particular: analytical (when analysing the historical path of the concept of competition); generalization (when compiling competition data to identify patterns of its historical development); estimates and conclusions (to summarize the historical analysis).

Findings. The historical aspects of the development of the concept of “competition” are investigated. The change of approaches to interpretation of its essence by different scientists is considered. The concept of “competition” and “competitiveness” has been established. The levels of competitiveness are considered – enterprises, industries and economies. The defining features of this concept - comparative and temporal (dynamic) have been identified based on the variety of generally accepted definitions of the competitiveness category. The basic elements that make up the essence of competitiveness and peculiarities of influence of social institutions on it are characterized. The author's interpretation of the concept of “competitiveness” is offered.

Originality. The concept of “competitiveness” has been further developed. In particular, in the author's sense of competitiveness, it is proposed to understand the economic power against competitors in the world market, where products, services, people and innovations move freely, regardless of geographical boundaries.

Practical value. The results of the study may be the basis for further scientific exploration.

Key words: competition, profit, competitiveness, definition, concept, economy, competitive advantage.


Key words: competition, profit, competitiveness, definition, concept, economy, competitive advantage.

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