Purpose. The aim of the article is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of a new paradigm of education and the formation of innovative skills in the context of neoindustrialization of the economy.
Methodology of research. The dialectical method of scientific knowledge, systemic and logical approaches to shifts in the business environment was used to accomplish research tasks and achieve the set goal. General scientific methods are used in the course of research: analysis – to characterize the state of the system of skills; comparison – when considering the list of skills; abstract and logical – in the formation of conclusions and proposals.
Findings. It is determined that in the time of transition to new technological processes, the personality is the main resource and value in Ukraine. It is proved that the changes in the business environment, the new needs of the society exacerbate the problem of inconsistency of the formed education system. It has been discovered that the rapid development of information technology provides tools for the functioning of the development of educational innovations. It is substantiated that continuous education should become the main political program of civil society, social cohesion and employment.
It is established that the key factors limiting productivity increase are the mismatch of labor skills to the needs and requirements of employers. Researchers distinguish three categories among the individual skills: cognitive, social and emotional and technical skills.
The measures are proposed to update, according to the needs and requirements of employers, the system of cognitive, social and emotional and technical individual skills of the workforce to increase the level of development of current and new employees, as well as to improve the institutional environment for improving the formation and use of the potential of innovative skills.
Particular attention is devoted to the development of such skills as creativity, critical thinking, creativity (ingenuity) and the development of emotional intelligence – as the basis for building the ability to search for non-traditional solutions, minimizing the fear of mistakes.
Originality. The existing system of individual skills is improved by creative (creative) skills, that is, the abilities of the individual, characterized by the ability to produce fundamentally new ideas and which are part of the structure of giftedness as an independent factor.
The definition of “innovative skills” (innovation) as the set of new types of skills, that allows a person to be an innovator in that, he does is substantiated. This is the result of a combination of cognitive, behavioral, basic (functional) and technical skills. It has been determined that in order to understand the innovative skills more deeply, this set should be supplemented with skills of creativity and creative approach.
Practical value. The obtained results of the research can be used by the governing bodies and educational institutions, enterprises in assessing the skills needed in recruiting staff, and certain provisions in educational processes and in the scientific and research work of teachers, postgraduates, and students.
Key words: skills; education; personnel; innovative skills; innovations; creativity; neoindustrialization of the economy.
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