Ivan Balaniuk



Purpose. The aim of the article is to research methods and ways of investing community resources in infrastructure and to develop, based on them, a mechanism for investment support for the development of social infrastructure in rural areas in territorial communities.

Methodology of research. General scientific and specific methods were used to achieve the goal, such as: analysis and synthesis – to establish the importance of social infrastructure in the social and economic development of rural areas; dialectical method of scientific knowledge – for consideration of the essence of social infrastructure; abstract and logical – for the development of a mechanism for investment support for the development of social infrastructure in rural areas. The methodological basis of the research is the scientific works of domestic scientists on issues of economic development of territorial communities, development and management of social infrastructure.

Findings. It has been established that the development of social infrastructure in territorial communities is one of the main tasks of local self-government bodies in the context of ensuring their social and economic development. It was determined that in order to effectively ensure the development of the social infrastructure of rural areas, it is necessary to develop an organizational and economic mechanism for investment support.

A mechanism for investment support for the development of social infrastructure in rural areas of territorial communities was developed, the main components of which are the assessment of community needs in social infrastructure, financing of social infrastructure development, and implementation and control.

Originality. A mechanism for investment support for the development of the social infrastructure of rural areas was developed, which provides for the analysis of the needs for such infrastructure, the ways of choosing the most necessary objects, the development of estimates for infrastructure projects, the search for sources of their financing from internal and external investment resources, the direct implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of the results obtained.

Practical value. The proposed investment support mechanism can be used by local self-government bodies and state authorities when planning the social and economic development of rural territorial communities.

Key words: social infrastructure, rural areas, investments of territorial communities, mechanism, social and economic development.


social infrastructure, rural areas, investments of territorial communities, mechanism, social and economic development.

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