Purpose. The aim of the article is to generalize trends in the development of agro-industrial production, determine the factors causing its structural imbalance, and substantiate the institutional tools for stimulating innovative modernization of the industry.
Methodology of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of this study is a structural-functional approach to the generalization of macroeconomic trends in the development of agro-industrial production; an institutional approach to substantiating the regulatory influence of formal norms aimed at stimulating the development of innovations in the agricultural sector as a condition for solving the problem of structural imbalance in the industry; a systematic approach to determine the structural factors of influence on the state and trends in the development of agro-industrial production.
Findings. Emphasis is placed on the unstable nature of investment processes and permanent investment crises (2013-2014; 2019−2020), a decrease in the level of capitalization with a structural imbalance of agrarian production, instability of investment volumes, low innovative activity of agricultural producers.
The formation of a structural imbalance in agro-industrial production with the dominance of monospecialization and a low level of product processing is argued; the instability of providing the agrarian sector with basic resources; a change in the structure of agrarian exports and the complication of logistics.
The formation of a high capital intensity of the innovative process in the agrarian sphere, the absence of connections between its stages, was established; the negative nature of the dynamics of scientific personnel involved in the production of agro-innovation; dominance among objects of state funding of basic research; lack of demand by the domestic market for the results of scientific research; the high cost of implementing agricultural innovations and the inconsistency of innovations with the demands of commodity producers.
Originality. The formation of the extensive nature of the development of agro-industrial production is substantiated, in which the increase in the output of agricultural products was not accompanied by the growth of gross added value, and the low level of renewal and modernization of capital at low rates of growth of investments fixed the simple reproduction of agrarian production.
Considering the strategic vector of innovative modernization of agro-industrial production, institutional instruments of influence on innovative modernization of agro-industrial production should be focused on institutional regulation of structural changes in agro-industrial production and institutional stimulation of the development of innovations in the agrarian sphere.
Practical value. The theoretical and methodological provisions of the study deepen the practical aspects and tools of institutional influence on the innovative modernization of agro-industrial production and can serve as a scientific basis for conducting further scientific research in the field of modernization of the industry.
Key words: agricultural production, innovative modernization, innovative development, monospecialization, scientific product, structural imbalance, transformation, institutional regulation, formal norms.
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